Cumbria Times
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1:00 AM 6th April 2024

How To Transform Your Bedroom Into A Dynamic Home Office

Photo by Mikey Harris on Unsplash
Photo by Mikey Harris on Unsplash
A bed furnishings company reveals the best way to turn your bedroom into an office for remote workers with limited space – without compromising your mental wellbeing.

Ashley Hainsworth, from Bed Kingdom discusses the most effective ways to utilise your bedroom for work, looking at basics like furniture placement to other considerations like colour schemes, aesthetics, and décor.

He says:
“For remote workers who are only able to accomm88odate a work area in their bedroom, it’s important that they create a multi-functional space that can help them stay productive and focused, yet that also promotes relaxation so that they can switch off from work at the end of the day. This is a hard balance to find.

“However, there are some simple changes you can make so it’s easier to juggle both priorities, without negative consequences that may occur like disrupted sleep, blurred boundaries between work and personal life, and decreased motivation.”

Consider the layout to keep your work-life balance separate

One of the basics to consider when setting up your workspace is the layout, as many living spaces aren’t designed for work use and may cause ergonomic issues.

By taking measurements of your existing furniture and empty spaces, you can calculate the best position for things such as your bed versus a desk. Try to keep the areas as separate as possible, so there’s one space for sleep, and one for work.

Keep your colour scheme cohesive and calming

When selecting new furniture or décor for your ‘office’, matching your room’s current colour scheme can help create a flow between your bedroom space and workspace, so that the space remains harmonious across the two separate functions.

If the colour scheme is neutral, incorporating calmer colours such as light blues and greens, and cool-toned purples can help create a focused interior that boosts productivity, without proving too stimulating when you try wind down at night.

Invest in a desk with storage and an ergonomic chair

Choosing a desk that fits your space and needs is important, as opposed to working from your bed. A desk with built-in storage can help prevent clutter, especially in smaller workspaces, and make it easier to put your work materials out of sight and out of mind at the end of the day. If you can’t access a desk, a table may suffice.

While any chair around the house can be used in your new office area, investing in an ergonomic chair may be wise. These chairs offer additional support compared to standard kitchen chairs and can be adjusted to fit your needs.

Minimalism is key to avoid feeling overwhelmed

Adding a workspace in a room with an existing function, such as a bedroom, may make it look cluttered or too busy, which in turn can make you feel overwhelmed.

Following a minimalistic approach when decorating can ensure anything added to the room feels natural and flows with the rest of the décor, especially in instances where fully decorating is not an option - such as in rented accommodation.

Let in plenty of natural light during the day

While it’s tempting to prioritise cosy vibes in the bedroom, natural light can help improve your productivity and concentration while at work and makes it easier to switch off at the end of the working day when you switch to dimmer lighting.

If you don’t have windows in your room, LED lights specifically designed to mimic the sun's rays work as a good substitution.

Bed Kingdom’s Ashley Hainsworth also says:
“Many of us struggle to work from home, especially when it comes to maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Those who are working from a typically relaxing space, like the bedroom, might start to notice sleep difficulties as they equate the space with productivity instead.

“If this sounds like you, try to separate your workspace from your sleep space as much as possible, and consider visiting a co-working space if our tips don’t help.”

For more information click here